Product Groups
STAINOL B Grease and Paint Remover
It Is Used For Removing The Stains Such As Metallic Oil, Ballpeen, Marker, Shoe Paint, Tar, Pitch, Oil Paint, Vax And Glue Etc. From The Fabric.
- Product Code : 32111709
- Packaging Shape : 0,45 L = 0,45 kg Koli ( Koli içi 12 adet )
Detail (PDF)
STAINOL C Local Stain Remover
It Is Used For Removing Stains Such As, Tannin, Tea, Coffee, Fruit, Vine, Mustard, Sauce, Nicotine, Ice Cream And Grass ect Especially On Fabrics
- Product Code : 31111703
- Packaging Shape : 0,45 L = 0,482 kg Koli ( Koli içi 12 adet )
Detail (PDF)
STAINOL D Protein and Blood Remover Powder
High enzyme contained Protein and blood remover powder It is used to remove hard stains which ingrained in the fabric such as blood, milk, cacao., egg, body dirt, meat sauces.
- Product Code : 32111704
- Packaging Shape : 3,00 kg - Kova
Detail (PDF)
STAINOL E Paint Remover, Color Reducer Powder
It is used to bleach the laundry which got yellow due to the iron in the water and to get the whiteness back.
- Product Code : 32111705
- Packaging Shape : 3,00 kg - Kova
Detail (PDF)
STAINOL X Rust Remover
It is used for removal of rust stains on textile products.
- Product Code : 31111707
- Packaging Shape : 0,45 L = 0,482 kg Koli ( Koli içi 12 adet )