Product Groups
This product has been developed in order to be used in professional washing machines as a water softener, lime and iron binding supportive washing product. It prevents yellowing caused by high iron containing water.
- Product Code : 31111402
- Packaging Shape : 5 L = 5,15 kg Koli ( Koli içi 4 adet )
This product has been developed in order to be used in professional and domestic type washing machines and is an antistatic effective, natural soap scented laundry softener. Provides ease during ironing.
- Product Code : 31111601 / 31111602 / 31111603
- Packaging Shape : 20 L = 19,60 kg - Bidon / 5 L = 4,90 kg - Koli ( Koli içi 4 adet ) / 1 L = 0,98 kg - Koli ( Koli içi 20 adet )
This product has been developed in order to be used in professional and domestic type washing machines and is an antistatic effective, springscented laundry softener. Provides ease during ironing
- Product Code : 31111501 / 31111502 / 31111503
- Packaging Shape : 20 L = 19,60 kg - Bidon / 5 L = 4,90 kg - Koli ( Koli içi 4 adet ) / 1 L = 0,98 kg - Koli ( Koli içi 20 adet )
This product has been developed in order to be used in professional and domestic type washing machines and is an antistatic effective, pleasantscented laundry softener. Provides ease during ironing.
- Product Code : 31410102 / 31410101
- Packaging Shape : 20 L = 19,60 kg - Bidon / 5 L = 4,90 kg - Koli ( Koli içi 4 adet )
This product can be used on any type of laundry, furniture, curtains etc. and textiles. It increases the perfume effect of the laundry softener.
- Product Code : 31111303 / 31111304
- Packaging Shape : 5 L = 4,60 kg - Koli ( Koli içi 4 adet ) / 0,5 L = 0,46 kg - Koli ( Koli içi 12 adet )